05 February 2006

friggin seahawks

seattle just HAS to choke every time we make it anywhere good. doesn't matter what sport it is...baseball..basketball...our first super bowl EVER - probably our only one - and we just don't play well. *plus* at least one bum call...oh well. it's not the end of the world.

i sure am hungry though.

chili's here i come.

interesting weekend, btw. good times at da parties...felt good, had fun...slept SOOOOOOO much...friday we went to bed at like 2 and didn't get up until 3 in the afternoon. hell yes. AND i had my first pancake pantry experience shortly thereafter - AMAAAAAAZING.

and now i am recovering from a sucky bowl game. and waiting to pick up chili's. woot.

wow...i have these two conflicting thoughts that NEVER go away...and they piss me off because i feel them both equally. and they are very opposite. but hell...one day at a time, i guess, huh?

all right everyone (aka the two people that read this - one consistently lol)



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