jellicle jeffrey
wow...what a couple of weeks this has been! crazy on my life...but really, really good.
"cats" opened friday night to a huge and wonderful crowd, and played saturday night to an even larger, while not *quite* as expresseive crowd...and sunday afternoon (today/tomorrow - i haven't slept yet lol) will be the closing performance of the show...i will miss it very, very much...except for the costumes hehe...won't miss putting on make-up and sweating in a unitard lol. but it's been a wonderful show and a great run...hardest work i've ever done in my life, and perhaps the most gratifying as well. what an experience.
so, needless to say, in preparation for the show, the last two weeks have been nuts trying to run around and get everything done for it.
glen has kept me sane, though. i've grown much over this past couple weeks...funny how spurts like that go on...i've just learned a lot about me very suddenly lately...and he's been a big part of that growth...thanks, glen :)
and now i need some sleep action going on before the next show in about twelve hours.
i'll try to update more often...but really, who reads this thing anyway? lol
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