15 July 2006

an update

i'm just kinda thinkin i feel like updating the old blog with da news.

not a lot of news i guess...i'm going out with keith tonight. haven't told you about him yet, i don't think. he's a sweet guy from lynnwood that i met through a friend...we've hung out a couple times already, and tonight i'm gonna go up to his place for a while...dinner...drinks...whatever. he's pretty cool. 23. or 24...i can't remember off the top of my head...legal, anyway lol. very nice, cute dude, though, and he likes me...can't beat that. i don't know if it'll go anywhere...i'm leaving in a month and everything...but i guess we'll cross those types of bridges when we come to them.

i still like jordan, but it's calmed to the point that i can be objective in the thought that he has a boyfriend already hehe...there were a few days there that, not gonna lie, i was tempted to just rid the world of his kyle and take him for myself lol. but by no means am i that kind of person...there's nothing in the world worth ruining someone else's relationship - romantic or not...friends and lovers are so important...so...vital, i guess, is the word i want right now...my friends and my lovers keep me alive (when i have them) and there is nothing on earth - no cute boy, no amount of lust or "love" or idealism or even that "fate" shit - nothing could make me try to sacrifice someone else's love or friendship.

i realize more and more every day how much i miss glen too...i listened to him sing in the car the other night with jenny...he just tears me up. he was in my dream a few nights ago...i read his blog yesterday and it made me miss him even more...what a good friend he's been to me. i just can't even wait to get back to nashville and see him again...

ugh...my life suddenly went from not enough romance to too much - and it's all confusing romance...none of it is what i really *want* - ya know, stability...regularity...keith has potential for stability i suppose, but i'll be living 3000 miles away...jordan i just like too much for the good of the situation...and i just don't know how i feel about glen right now...ugh. confusion sucks...but there's at least some fun going on in it. i like 3 people :-P seems fairly easy to understand the good and the bad in that.


someone just choose for me.

and make it the right one... o_O


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