11 May 2006

crappy day...after an amazing night...

last night was quite possibly the best night i have had this entire school year. it was my first time to play, the local gay club, which was SUCH a blast. i mean, we just sat and watched the drag show - which was hilarious, btw - and i really just enjoyed the variety of people there...probably 1/4 of the guys there were straight, and probably 1/3 of everyone there was female...the dance floor was unbelievable, and the dj rocked. it was just SUCH a fun night...and i got to meet THE ms. nicole ellington dupree...and she knows my name now! :o)

then today came...i didn't sleep well cuz friggin laura bush was out on the lawn yelling and everyone was laughing at her - all this at 9am.

then i went home after a disappointing breakfast at pancake pantry to keep packing/cleaning.

then i found out i might be kicked out of my apt tomorrow instead of saturday, leaving me homeless for a night.

then i found out my grandpa's bladder is basically a huge mass of cancer that may be spreading into his lungs...i don't know what that means in terms of time with him here, but i know it stresses me out and makes me sad...and for some strange reason, tonight, lonely...i actually kinda *want* to be at home so that i can be with him...

and then i found out i had to spend the whole evening alone...without even internet connection in my room anymore, since the wireless is down for the summer...i'm at panera now taking a dinner break...

so this will be a very hard night for me.

i'm sick of packing, sick of cleaning, and sick of being alone. but i can't do anything about any of them...so...well...i'll be done now...i need prayer and help tonight...a lot.

01 May 2006


what a relaxing last couple weeks...leading up to this UNrelaxing week...auditions today, sophomore technical tomorrow, performance on wednesday, juries on thursday, performance on friday...studying, practicing...ugh...but then, after this week, i'm DONE!!! and i'm just hangin out until the 13th...woot woot!

i feel like i've been annoying to the general people around me lately...just the last 2 or 3 days...not sure why...maybe it's just cuz everyone's stressed and busy and trying to get their grades all studied up and whatnot...that would make sense, i suppose. all right. that problem's solved. lol

i'm not super excited about going home for the summer...but ya know, there's more hope in it now than i think there has been...it looks like i'll be able to pull off doing a show with jenny and faith...and it's gonna ROCK ASS...cuz those girls are incredible, beautiful, and amazing. wooooooot. it's gonna be fuuuun.

and then there's school.

and then there's work.

but love...love will keep us together...think of me babe whenever...sorry...lol...will and grace on the brain...besides, it was a good segue...even though there was no subject at all about being apart...from anyone...

although i will miss this whole nashville thing for 3 months...wow...mostly glen...but we'll be having a great summer.

and i'm done for now. more later...maybe :)