crappy day...after an amazing night...
last night was quite possibly the best night i have had this entire school year. it was my first time to play, the local gay club, which was SUCH a blast. i mean, we just sat and watched the drag show - which was hilarious, btw - and i really just enjoyed the variety of people there...probably 1/4 of the guys there were straight, and probably 1/3 of everyone there was female...the dance floor was unbelievable, and the dj rocked. it was just SUCH a fun night...and i got to meet THE ms. nicole ellington dupree...and she knows my name now! :o)
then today came...i didn't sleep well cuz friggin laura bush was out on the lawn yelling and everyone was laughing at her - all this at 9am.
then i went home after a disappointing breakfast at pancake pantry to keep packing/cleaning.
then i found out i might be kicked out of my apt tomorrow instead of saturday, leaving me homeless for a night.
then i found out my grandpa's bladder is basically a huge mass of cancer that may be spreading into his lungs...i don't know what that means in terms of time with him here, but i know it stresses me out and makes me sad...and for some strange reason, tonight, lonely...i actually kinda *want* to be at home so that i can be with him...
and then i found out i had to spend the whole evening alone...without even internet connection in my room anymore, since the wireless is down for the summer...i'm at panera now taking a dinner break...
so this will be a very hard night for me.
i'm sick of packing, sick of cleaning, and sick of being alone. but i can't do anything about any of'll be done now...i need prayer and help tonight...a lot.