17 June 2006

woke up this mornin feeling kinda low...

had a bad dream about glen last night...and subsequently woke up angry at him lol...which i never do. so i corrected that immediately. it's stupid to be upset at a dream. but i mean, it was an upsetting dream. hehe
anyway, got over that rather quickly...but the incident definitely made me miss him more again. i was doing so well last night lol. then when he asked me a question online this morning, he kinda seemed stressed out, so i asked if everything was ok and he snapped at me to just "give him some time." well, sure...that's no problem for me - but i don't deserve an angry shot back just for caring. pisses me off when anybody does that to anybody else. we're *caring* here, people.
if the rest of this day goes like it has so far...boy will it be fabulous.
and now "chances are" comes on...one of my all time favorite songs...feelin a little more like "chances aren't" today...