25 July 2006

why, melancholy, why?

so not normal this morning.

as soon as i became active this morning i felt down. i'm not sure why. it's a tough morning though, can't lie. i miss glen. and i'm unnecessarily and unreasonably a little upset with him...wanna know why? because i'm jealous of the experiences he's having right now and not only am i not experiencing any of them myself, i'm not able to be sharing the joy with him either...i can't talk to him, he doesn't call me, he doesn't blog often, whatever...certainly not in the least his fault, and certainly nothing bad on his part. but i miss my friend...and it makes me sad to not have any contact with him at all...i really wonder what things will be like when we get back to nashville...i wonder how different things will be...or if they will be different...i mean, i know the time spent will be different...and rightfully so...but i wonder if the attitude of the time spent will change...or if we will be different friends than we were before...that scares me, honestly...it's been so long since we've been together in a room...i miss that. ugh.

and then there's keith. things seem to be starting to get more regular than i thought they'd be...which isn't necessarily bad...but i don't want a boyfriend right now...i just really don't wanna be leading him on...i feel like i've been clear enough that i don't want anything serious...but then we talk so much and see each other almost every weekend...i don't know...i just don't want to hurt him. he's a good guy.

shelton does something to my soul...and not a good something...i get such uglies here.

16 July 2006

about last night...

so i had my date with keith last night...and it was really a good time. i like him quite a bit...it's perhaps not a good thing that i like two boys here when i'm moving away again so very soon...especially when one of them is actually available and i kinda wanna date him...good lord...this is sucky...and fantastic...heh.

whatever. it will be what it will be :)

15 July 2006

an update

i'm just kinda thinkin i feel like updating the old blog with da news.

not a lot of news i guess...i'm going out with keith tonight. haven't told you about him yet, i don't think. he's a sweet guy from lynnwood that i met through a friend...we've hung out a couple times already, and tonight i'm gonna go up to his place for a while...dinner...drinks...whatever. he's pretty cool. 23. or 24...i can't remember off the top of my head...legal, anyway lol. very nice, cute dude, though, and he likes me...can't beat that. i don't know if it'll go anywhere...i'm leaving in a month and everything...but i guess we'll cross those types of bridges when we come to them.

i still like jordan, but it's calmed to the point that i can be objective in the thought that he has a boyfriend already hehe...there were a few days there that, not gonna lie, i was tempted to just rid the world of his kyle and take him for myself lol. but by no means am i that kind of person...there's nothing in the world worth ruining someone else's relationship - romantic or not...friends and lovers are so important...so...vital, i guess, is the word i want right now...my friends and my lovers keep me alive (when i have them) and there is nothing on earth - no cute boy, no amount of lust or "love" or idealism or even that "fate" shit - nothing could make me try to sacrifice someone else's love or friendship.

i realize more and more every day how much i miss glen too...i listened to him sing in the car the other night with jenny...he just tears me up. he was in my dream a few nights ago...i read his blog yesterday and it made me miss him even more...what a good friend he's been to me. i just can't even wait to get back to nashville and see him again...

ugh...my life suddenly went from not enough romance to too much - and it's all confusing romance...none of it is what i really *want* - ya know, stability...regularity...keith has potential for stability i suppose, but i'll be living 3000 miles away...jordan i just like too much for the good of the situation...and i just don't know how i feel about glen right now...ugh. confusion sucks...but there's at least some fun going on in it. i like 3 people :-P seems fairly easy to understand the good and the bad in that.


someone just choose for me.

and make it the right one... o_O

03 July 2006

a letter

dear...me (and anyone else to whom this may apply):

we are young. this is LIFE. now. this moment - every moment - is one to be cherished, taking each joy and each pain for exactly what it is worth: the shape of who you are. just think...if you made one tiny choice - where to turn to go home, how many dollars to splurge, who to call in your few free minutes - if you made that tiny choice differently, you may be a different person today because of it. which is why it doesn't do a person good to look too far into the future and make plans for what you want to happen...of course being prepared and ready for anything that may come along is important and necessary - stupidity is even more detremental hehe...the real issue is what we see when we look back. regret is ridiculous, to me...every choice i have made has made me who i am today, right or wrong. and i am grateful for that. so no matter what, i can't change what's happened in the past or fix a problem that came up last year or make something different from what it is, so the face value of life changes slightly...we now can look at it from the point of view that no matter what, we are alive still and kicking and enjoying and...well, we're ok.

how does this apply in current situations? well...i guess to make that clear, it' s important to say a few other things first. i'm looking for a man to love for the rest of my life - but not too actively and not committally. and that's on purpose. you see, i believe that in looking for the right person to spend the rest of my life with, i need to be searching for the person with the most things that fit with me and the fewest things that don't. (btw, don't mistake that for "things in common." those don't matter so much if the two of you fit together for real, in my opinion.) now, i've been very blessed to find someone who has a lot of things that fit with me and not too many that don't...but having found that, i can't just decide there's nothing better out there - what if i miss someone with a few more fits and a few less misses, just because i'm done looking once i've found something that works for now? i have also been blessed, in finding this particular version of fitting person, to have found one who's in the same boat as i am. we love each other in a strange way...one that says that we may not be perfect for each other, but we'll not let go of a good thing if we are...one that says i'm still young - it's not necessary to commit yet...one that says we'll still be here if we go out and find that we truly are the best match for each other. but having only looked at a few people in my life so far, i can't possibly think that i've got a good grasp first of all on what is right me and what i need, and second of all on love and romance and necessity in them. i am happy with glen, and i'm comfortable and secure with glen, but what if glen's not just the best person for me? am i selling myself short by not looking for someone else? i mean, sometimes i have to sacrifice security and momentary happiness and, frankly, ease, for just while, or else i may end up with a relationship in which i'm not as confident or as fulfilled as i should be - for the rest of my life. that's scary. more scary than saying, "glen, i love you, but we need to make sure there's not something better out there." (which, by the way, he's saying to me too - healthy.) this is by no means a dis to our relationship - we have seen first hand that we can work. but being so young and being so impressionable, it's dangerous to tell myself that i've already found the one thing that i should have as a goal for my entire adult life - which, by the way, has *just* begun. and i can know that if the two of us end up finding out that we were the best match after all, there's no regret in the looking - just all the more confidence in the rightness and necessity of that relationship.

now, how does all this apply to the living in the moment idea? well...it's time to take some action. i'm gonna go right ahead and like other people for a while - and still miss the shit out of glen while he's gone, but not because i need him to fulfil some void in my life - because he's a great friend. i'm gonna go on a few dates (and actually give them a valid chance) and i'm gonna look at the whole idea of how many things do work and don't work with each of them...which is going to be hard for me - i am one to really like settling down and being happy with one person. but this is definitely important enough to me to be honest and realistic in my view of myself and my relationships. i will not sell myself (or someone else) short on the relationship that is to shape the rest of my (his) life. it's not fair to me, to the person i'm with, and perhaps even to the two people out there who were better for each of us - if they exist.

so seize the moment. seize the opportunity to live the fullest life possible...cliche, sure...but true and real? i think so...

...i like you, someone :)