10 February 2006

internat'l bored night

hey everyone. it is the night to be bored and complain!! woot woot.

i am sitting in panera bread at the green hills mall waiting for gabe to get off work and take me "home."

then i'll be sitting in glen's room waiting for him to get done with his engagement for the evening. well, for the night. he probably won't get in until 1 or 2, i'm guessing.

so i'll sit there and watch movies, i think. and chill.

it's definitely a chill night, methinks. perhaps i'll throw on some chill grooves on the old itunes and just chill the night away in bed.

yes. yes. it is a chill night.

but chilling alone is never as fun as chilling with company.

company will come, though. until then...

06 February 2006

i like this night.

i'm talking to my best friend katie and i love her. yay.

and i just have a good feeling about tonight. not sure why. not gonna lie. it's weird, but i love it.

i like tonight.

not sure what's up...

just over the past few days i have been feeling a general dissatisfaction with...everything. life, i guess.
it's not that anything is bad, even...just...different. and not quite what i need.

things at school are fine. my classes are all good and whatever. there's nothing *wrong* on that end...but then, nothing keeping it really exciting or great either. the only things that keeps me at school all the time i should be are accountability to my friends and teachers, my grades, knowing i will get money for accompanying, and knowing i get to leave.

things with glen are ok, too. but again, different. it's just an interesting situation. this relationship is hard for me to explain, because it's hard for me to understand. but the bottom line at the moment is that there are things that i need that i'm not getting - not even in terms of the relationship itself - but it would be awkward and difficult to bring it up and say anything about it...and i know i run the risk of him reading this, but i don't think he checks it all that often anymore, and if he does see it, then big deal - perhaps i'll have an in to start talking about this. but then if he does see it and assume it's different from what it is, he might avoid talking about it. but it's really not bad. just...a particular thing that would make my entire life more enjoyable...

but ya know what? we don't always get what we want, do we? and we learn to live without those things...and i can and will if i have to...although, some people like to go looking elsewhere for it...and i would, but i don't feel like i should...and i really don't want to.

oh, satisfaction...

05 February 2006

friggin seahawks

seattle just HAS to choke every time we make it anywhere good. doesn't matter what sport it is...baseball..basketball...our first super bowl EVER - probably our only one - and we just don't play well. *plus* at least one bum call...oh well. it's not the end of the world.

i sure am hungry though.

chili's here i come.

interesting weekend, btw. good times at da parties...felt good, had fun...slept SOOOOOOO much...friday we went to bed at like 2 and didn't get up until 3 in the afternoon. hell yes. AND i had my first pancake pantry experience shortly thereafter - AMAAAAAAZING.

and now i am recovering from a sucky bowl game. and waiting to pick up chili's. woot.

wow...i have these two conflicting thoughts that NEVER go away...and they piss me off because i feel them both equally. and they are very opposite. but hell...one day at a time, i guess, huh?

all right everyone (aka the two people that read this - one consistently lol)
